Google Translate: some Lifehacks
5 Tips you want to know about Google Translate
If you need to find out the translation of one or more words, then you can completely do with a simple query in the search bar. In the case of a translation into English, it should look like: your word or phrase + "in English".

1. Translation from any application
On Android smartphones, Google Translate offers a convenient quick translation function from any application where text can be highlighted. Having marked the desired word or phrase, you need to expand the context menu by clicking on three dots and select "Translation".
A mini-translator window will open on top of the original application, where, if necessary, you can change the language or listen to the pronunciation. This function is enabled in the application settings, in the section with the logical name "Fast translation". Check also this one
2. SMS translation
To translate the text of the received SMS, it is not at all necessary to use copy-paste. You can jump to messages directly from the mobile "Google Translate". Just click on "Transfer SMS" in the main menu and select a message.
3. Translation in the search bar
If you need to find out the translation of one or more words, then you can completely do with a simple query in the search bar. In the case of a translation into English, it should look like: your word or phrase + "in English". An example is shown in the screenshot below.
The function of translation through the search bar is relevant for both smartphones and PCs.
4. Website translation
There are three different ways to translate text from a foreign website to a PC. The most obvious one is banal copying and pasting into the translator. In the case of small fragments of text, this can be convenient, but if you need to translate the entire page, it is better to use other methods.
For example, you can simply copy a link to a website page and paste it into Google Translate. A link to the same site will appear in the window on the right, but in the required language and with all the markup saved.
Another way assumes the presence of the Chrome browser. In it, when visiting a foreign resource, the Google Translate icon will appear in the address bar on the right. Clicking on it will also translate the entire site.
5. Translation of documents
This is another feature that is only relevant for the web version of the service. It allows you to load a text document from your computer`s memory and view its translation. It can be a PDF file or, for example, DOCX.
To download a document, you need to completely clear the text input area and click on the "Translate document" link below it. After selecting the file, all that remains is to click on the translation button. The text will open in the same window. The quality of such translation is sometimes poor, but with simple documents the function can be useful: Wiki.